Information Technology

Skills Test Assessment

23 March 2023 10:08 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

Skills Test Assessment :

Skills Test Assessment
Skills Test Assessment

For solution: +610482078788



In Skills Test Assessment task, you will be required to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding to undertake introductory programming tasks using an object-oriented programming language including tool usage, documentation, debugging, and testing techniques. 

You must complete the following activities successfully to demonstrate your competency: 

  1. Determine application design 
  2. Implement the application design 
  3. Test the application 
  4. Hand over the application to the user 

To successfully complete the assessment activities you will be required to have the access of the following: 

  • Integrated development environment
  • Applications relevant to software development
  • Organisational code and documentation conventions
  • User requirements
  • Individual user to consult 

You may use any programming language to complete this assessment task. 

You must complete this assessment on the following given problem: 

Given problem: 

You are required to develop a simple game using object-oriented language skills. 

Assessment requirements: 

You must meet each of the following requirements:

  • Determine the application design 
  • Review the requirements with user 
  • Implement the application design 
  • Select and use three language data types, three operators and three expressions
  • Use correct language syntax for one sequence, one selection and two iteration constructs
  • Use a modular approach to implement the logic for one object operation
  • Implement a class that uses arrays of primitive data types twice.
  • Read from and write to one text file
  • Implement two classes that each contain four instance variables
  • Implement one class that contains two options for object construction
  • Implement one class that uses user-defined object aggregation
  • Implement polymorphism once for code extensibility
  • Use one debugging tool
  • Apply code and documentation conventions that specify at least 3 aspects, according to organisational requirements
  • Perform and document two unit test cases
  • Hand over the application to the user 

If you do not have a game allocated, you can prepare a game of rock, paper and scissors. You must follow the instructions:

  1. The Rock beats the Scissors  (rock crushes scissors)
  2. The Scissors beats the Paper (scissors cut paper)
  3. The Paper beats the Rock

You might be wondering about the 3rd point, how the paper beats the rock. The answer is, paper can cover the rock and hence beats it.

  1. If both players create the same formation then the game is a tie or draw.
  2. There should be at least 2 players required to play this game.

If you want to learn more about this game then check the Wikipedia link here.

Your trainer/assessor will play the role of your client for you to successfully complete this assessment activity. 

Pseudo code for rock paper scissors if you are using java language  1. Prompt Player to enter any one of the following entries: ROCK, PAPER, SCISSORS. 2. getPlayerMove() method uses Scanner class to get the move of the player. This method will print and return the move enter by the player. 3. getComputerMove() method uses Random class nextInt(num) method. nextInt(num) method produces the random number between 0 (inclusive) and num (exclusive). getComputerMove() method will print and return the computer move. 4. If playerMove and computerMove are the same, then the game is a tie or draw. 5. Else if playerMove and computerMove are different, then 3 cases are possible. a. If playerMove is ROCK and computerMove is PAPER then the computer wins. If playerMove is ROCK and computerMove is SCISSORS then the player wins. b. If playerMove is PAPER and computerMove is SCISSORS then the computer wins. If playerMove is PAPER and computerMove is ROCK then the player wins. c. If playerMove is SCISSORS and computerMove is ROCK then the computer wins.   If playerMove is SCISSORS and computerMove is PAPER then the player wins.

Assessment activity 1: Determine and implement the application design In Skills Test Assessment activity, you are required to determine and implement the application design.  

You must ensure that the application/program is developed on the basis of:

  • Taking into account of all possible situations 
  • You must review and clarify the user requirements with user
  • You must plan and determine application design specifications to satisfy user requirements
  • You must develop application according to application design and organisational code conventions
  • You must document application according to organisational documentation conventions

You will be assessed on the following: 

  • Determining the application design 
  • Implementing the application design 

Provide an example of the application prepared as an evidence of successfully completing the assessment activity. 

The trainer/assessor will be required to use the following trainer/assessor observation sheet to record their observations and responses:

Application design and Implementation of design
  Project goals:   Functional specification:     Technical Specification:     Flow Chart of the application: The main gameplay loop describes how the various game mechanics interact to form the overall game. A high-level view of a multi-round game is depicted in the flowchart below.   Here is another simple flow chart view of the game application   Interface Design: We have a start screen with a button to start the game on the very first page. The game starts when we press the start button, as shown below: Each player has three thumbnails for Paper, Scissors, and Rock on the play screen.     The number of rounds played and the results of the matches are also displayed on the play screen, as shown below.        
Implementation code:
The CSS Styling:  
The logic using JavaScript: The main logic of the game is created by using JavaScript.     

Assessment activity 2: Test the application  

This is in continuation to the previous assessment activity. 

In this assessment activity, you are required to test the application to identify solutions to the given problem. 

You will be assessed on the following: 

  • Develop tests to determine that application logic and syntax satisfies user requirements and application specifications, 
  • Modify application to meet user requirements and application specifications
  • Document tests according to organisational documentation conventions 

Provide an example of the tests conducted as evidence of successfully completing the assessment activity. 

The trainer/assessor will be required to use the following trainer/assessor observation sheet to record their observations and responses:

Test the application:
    Mine Turn Computer Turn Expected Result Result Produced Rock Scissors Win   Paper Rock Win   Paper Scissor Win   Scissors Scissors Tie Rock Paper Lose   Paper Scissors Lose            

Assessment activity 3. Hand over the application to the user 

This is in continuation to the previous assessment activities.

In this assessment activity, you are required to prepare and hand over the application to the user based on the previous assessment activities. 

You will be assessed on the following: 

  • Review application against user requirements to ensure user requirements are satisfied
  • Present application to user and obtain user acceptance

Provide an example of reviewing application against user requirements and handing over the application as an evidence of successfully completing the assessment activity. 

The trainer/assessor will be required to use the following trainer/assessor observation sheet to record their observations and responses: 

Review application against the user requirements.
We review the application specifications before submitting them to users to ensure that they contain all of the desired features, as documented in the functional requirements. As we tested in the test cases, everything in our case worked properly and logically correct.  
Present the application to the user for acceptance and feedback
  Name of the Stakeholder Designition  Feedback    


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For solution: +610482078788

