
MIHM201 Assessment

29 March 2023 10:27 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

MIHM201 Assessment :

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MIHM201 Assessment
MIHM201 Assessment


What is organizational culture?

The term “organizational culture” of MIHM201 Assessment refers to the shared values, assumptions, behaviors, and attitudes that characterize an organization. It is the method through which a company operates, and it has a major impact on how its employees act & perform, and the way they relate to one another one and external stakeholders).

Many elements, such as the organization’s history, leadership style, goals and objectives, communication patterns, and the values & personalities of its workers, influence organizational culture(Maamari and Saheb, 2018). It is visible in the organization’s traditions, symbols, language, rituals, & artifacts, and it frequently affects the effectiveness of the business, employee happiness, and overall success.

The organizational culture of Hotel Sofitel may place a high value on the highest standards of excellence, outstanding customer service, careful preparation, collaboration, as well as a dedication to social and environmental responsibility. Through training initiatives, performance reviews, and other organizational procedures, this culture would likely be strengthened, helping to develop a unique brand identity and a devoted clientele.

What theoretical constructs will you be referencing?

To analyze corporate culture, one may use a variety of theoretical frameworks. These are a few of the more typical ones:

  • According to Schein’s Model of Organizational Culture, organizational culture may be broken down into three levels: artifacts (visible symbols and actions), professed values (stated beliefs and aims), and underlying assumptions (unspoken, taken-for-granted beliefs).
  • According to Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory, national cultures may be categorized based on six traits, including power distance, individuality vs collectivism, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity against femininity, long-term versus short-term orientation, & indulgence versus restraint.
  • Deal and Kennedy’s work-hard/play-hard, tough-guy/macho, process, & bet-your-company cultural models provide four categories for corporate cultures based on the level of risk and reward.
  • Internal vs. external & stability vs. flexibility are two sets of values that this framework suggests may be used to categorize corporate culture into four different categories. Clan culture, role culture, market culture, & hierarchical culture are the four categories.

What hospitality/tourism organization will you be basing your MIHM201 Assessment on?

Hotel Sofitel is the hospitality organization on which I will base my MIHM201 Assessment .

What are the key facts surrounding this organization from a HRM perspective?

From an HRM perspective, the following are a few key Hotel Sofitel information:

  • Size & Scope: Hotel Sofitel is a premium hotel chain with more than 120 properties in 40 countries that is owned by AccorHotels. The organization has thousands of employees throughout the globe(Siddiqui, 2014).
  • Recruitment & Selection: Hotel Sofitel puts a high priority on finding and choosing the best candidates to meet the image of its premium brand. The organization has a stringent hiring procedure that includes many rounds of evaluations, interviews, and reference checks. Those with appropriate hospitality expertise and a passion for providing excellent customer service are also preferred.
  • Training and Development: The Hotel Sofitel makes significant investments in its workers’ training and advancement opportunities. The business provides a range of training programs, such as those for customer service, technical skills, and leadership development(Lacerenza et al., 2017). They also provide access to a variety of online learning materials via a training portal.
  • Perks for Employees: Hotel Sofitel provides a full range of benefits to its staff, including health insurance, retirement programs, employee rates on hotel stays, & paid time off. Also, the organization offers chances for global mobility and professional progression.
  • Inclusion and diversity: The Hotel Sofitel is dedicated to creating an inclusive working environment. The business has put in place a number of measures to support diversity, such as diversity recruiting programs, employee resource groups, and training on unconscious bias.


What are the main six peer review journal articles I will be using?

The six main peer review journal article I will be using are:

  • ” The impact of hotel employee satisfaction on hospitability performance ” DOI: 10.20867/thm.23.1.8
  • ” Employee turnover in hospitality industries A study of service staff ” DOI: 10.5958/0973-9343.2014.01230.7
  • ” Factors Affecting Sales Employee Turnover in Hotel &Travel Industry: A Literature Review ” DOI: 10.9790/0837-2405073554
  • ” Effect of Organizational Justice on Employee Engagement in the Hospitality Industry ”
  • ” Employee training and service quality in the hospitality industry ” DOI: 10.1080/15378020.2020.1724850
  • ” Managing diversity in the hotel sector: The emergence of a service quality opportunity ” DOI: 10.1108/09604520010351176

What are the key points/sections I will be using from these articles to analyse my chosen concepts/theory?

  1. “The impact of hotel employee satisfaction on hospitality performance”:

• The connection between hotel efficiency and staff satisfaction

• The relationship between employee & consumer happiness

•The significance of staff growth and instruction initiatives

  • “Employee turnover in hospitality industries A study of service staff”:

• The causes of significant staff turnover in the hospitality sector

• The detrimental effects of personnel turnover on a company’s clients

• Techniques for lowering staff turnover in the tourism sector

  • “Factors Affecting Sales Employee Turnover in Hotel & Travel Industry: A Literature Review”:

• The elements that affect sales staff turnover in the tourism and hospitality industries

• How work-life balance, organizational commitment, & job satisfaction affect employee turnover

• The value of remuneration & incentives for retaining employees

  • “Effect of Organizational Justice on Employee Engagement in the Hospitality Industry”:

• The idea of organizational fairness and just how it affects worker satisfaction in the hospitality sector

• The many aspects of organizational justice, including procedural justice and distributive justice

• How treating workers fairly promotes engagement and job happiness

  • “Employee training and service quality in the hospitality industry”:

• How crucial staff training is to the hospitality sector’s provision of high-quality services.

• How training affects workers’ job satisfaction, motivation, & output

• The many training programs that may raise service standards in the hospitality sector

  • “Managing diversity in the hotel sector: The emergence of a service quality opportunity”:

• The advantages of inclusion and diversity in the hospitality sector

• The difficulties managing a diverse staff in the hospitality industry

• The significance of fostering an inclusive culture & giving staff members diversity training.

What evidence from my chosen organisation am I going to draw upon to back my opinion, chosen theories and references?

To back my opinion, chosen theories, and references, I will draw upon the following evidence from Hotel Sofitel:

Hospitality/tourism examples:

  • Employee happiness levels: Using employee input, survey findings, and any other data that is available, I will examine the Hotel Sofitel’s employee satisfaction levels. In the article “The influence of hotel employee satisfaction on hospitality performance,” it is explored how staff contentment affects the hotel’s ability to provide good service.
  • Turnover rates:  A study of service employees,” I will collect data on employee turnover rates at Hotel Sofitel to better understand the variables that cause high turnover rates. This will assist me in identifying the most effective methods for keeping staff and lowering turnover.
  • Sales employee turnover: I will investigate the variables influencing sales employees in the hospitality and travel sectors. This will enable me to comprehend the particular difficulties encountered by the Hotel Sofitel’s sales staff and to create retention measures for them.
  • Organizational Justice: I will discuss this impact in more detail below. This will make it easier for me to comprehend the value of fairness and openness in the workplace and how it may affect employee retention and engagement at Hotel Sofitel.
  • Training of employees:  I will look at how training of employees might improve service quality in the hospitality sector. This will enable me to evaluate the Hotel Sofitel’s training initiatives and pinpoint areas for development.
  • Diversity Management:  The development of a service quality opportunity” discusses the significance of managing diversity in the hospitality industry(Kalargyrou and Costen, 2017). I will evaluate this. This would make it easier for me to comprehend how diversity management at Hotel Sofitel may enhance customer happiness and service quality.

How will I bring in the importance of structure and strategy to the body of my MIHM201 Assessment ?

In order to comprehend the significance of structure and strategy in the hospitality business, I will be analyzing six research articles in my evaluation of Hotel Sofitel. I’ll be able to better analyze how staff retention, job happiness, employee development, organizational justice, & diversity management affect hotel performance with the aid of these studies.

In order to emphasize the significance of structure and strategy of MIHM201 Assessment I will analyze how Hotel Sofitel’s organizational design & strategic planning contributed to its success. I’ll analyze how the hotel operates and point out its strong and poor points. This will make it easier for me to provide advice on how the hotel can leverage its structure and strategy to enhance its performance and maintain its position as a leader in the hospitality sector.


What will be the key points I wish to summarise?

The key points I wish to summarize are:

  • In order to effectively manage employees in the highly competitive hospitality sector, a strategic approach is needed.
  • Each hospitality firm must have engaged & satisfied employees to succeed.
  • In the hospitality sector, employee turnover is a frequent problem that may hurt an organization’s productivity.
  • Maintaining service quality as well as enhancing employee retention depend on training and development of employees.
  • Employee engagement and satisfaction can be significantly impacted by organizational justice and diversity management.

How will I reflect on what I have written?

While doing my research, I discovered a lot about what motivates and inspires workers in the hospitality industry as well as how companies may improve performance. This knowledge will be really useful for me as an HR manager in the hospitality industry. I can make use of what I’ve learnt to guarantee that our staff members are content & engaged, and that the ideal management techniques of MIHM201 Assessment are being used. Overall, I feel like my research has given me a better understanding of how to make sure everyone in our business is working together effectively, which will help us provide better service to our guests.

How does this new knowledge effect my approach within the workplace from a HRM perspective?

This new knowledge will help me to develop and implement effective HR strategies that will improve employee satisfaction and engagement. I will focus on creating a positive work environment, offering training and development opportunities, and promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace. I will also use this knowledge to monitor employee turnover and develop strategies to reduce it. By implementing these strategies, I believe that I can help my organization achieve its goals and succeed in the highly competitive hospitality industry.


Kalargyrou, V. and Costen, W. (2017) ‘Diversity management research in hospitality and tourism: past, present and future’, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 29(1), pp. 68–114. doi:10.1108/IJCHM-09-2015-0470.

Lacerenza, C.N. et al. (2017) ‘Leadership training design, delivery, and implementation: A meta-analysis.’, Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(12), pp. 1686–1718. doi:10.1037/apl0000241.

Maamari, B.E. and Saheb, A. (2018) ‘How organizational culture and leadership style affect employees’ performance of genders’, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 26(4), pp. 630–651. doi:10.1108/IJOA-04-2017-1151.

Siddiqui, M.N. (2014) ‘Success of an Organization is a result of Employees Performance’, Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 1(4), pp. 179–201. doi:10.14738/assrj.14.280.


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