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MBA401 Developing Intercultural Competence

30 March 2023 11:43 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

MBA401 Developing Intercultural Competence :

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MBA401  Developing Intercultural Competence
MBA401 Developing Intercultural Competence

Developing intercultural competence

Part-1: Infographic

Part-2: Description


In today’s workplace, intercultural competence is a necessary set of skills. The theories and significant aspects that can assist in comprehending the significance of employee intercultural interactions will be highlighted in the infographic representation. To demonstrate the evolution of cultural context, the two models Hofstede’s (1980) Intercultural Dimensions model and Hall’s (1963) High-Context versus Low-Context Culture model will be highlighted.

Theories and models of cultural intelligence

Intercultural interactions are now a part of everyday life in the age of globalization.  Academics from a wide range of fields have attempted to describe, design, and evaluate diversity management (Bhawuk, 2017), as it has become increasingly important in a world with a wide range of cultural backgrounds and cultures around the world. Hofstede is still the most influential scholar on how people perceive cultural identities, even though new theories are presented on a regular basis. Scholars Geert Hofstede and Edward T. Hall have an impact on how people perceive culture in the context of intercultural interpretation.

•Hofstede (1980) Cultural Dimensions Theory

It illustrates the effects of a social and cultural context on the moral standards of its employees and the relationship between these measures and behavior and attitude using a framework derived from principal component analysis (Nickerson, 2022). It can be pinpointed five aspects regarding Australia and Thailand that reflect territorial social contrasts, which are following:

a)Power distance

In high-power distant cultures like in Australia and Thailand, we anticipate deep admiration for age, social standing, and designations. The degree to which society acknowledges or opposes unequal power distribution among employees and businesses is referred to as power distance. For example: employees in Thailand who are accustomed to the informality of a more low-power distance culture may encounter difficulties than in Australia as a result, such as issues with using first names and dressing casually in the workplace.

b)Uncertainty avoidance

Uncertainty avoidance is the degree to which a society accepts or is uncomfortable with risk, change, and positional volatility. For Example: An issue of culture or society’s tolerance of unpredictable situation may be faced by the Thailand employees who are new from Australian culture.


The difference between individualism and collectivism is the degree to which a society places a higher value on an individual’s accomplishments and self-interest than it does on the accolades and preferences of other people. For an example: the employee in Thailand may face the issue regarding the individual norms and social norms that are from the Australia.


It could be interpreted as a tendency to emphasize characteristics that are portrayed as masculine or feminine in stereotypes, as well as perceptions of gender stereotypes.

e)Time orientation

Asian cultures, for example, place a high value on tenacity and perseverance and are willing to put in the effort to achieve long-term success. the degree to which a society places a higher value on short-term or long-term goals.

•Hall’s Cultural Context Model

The concept of cultural environment was developed by cultural anthropologist Edward T. Hall. In his model, sense is the stimulation, environment, or sense of place that surrounds an event.

High-Context Culture

People interact primarily in a high-context culture by utilizing cultural nuances like specific body language, an individual’s status, and the voice tone used during communication. The regulations are not explicitly or directly mentioned in the text.

Low-Context Culture

Communication in written or spoken form is valued in a low-context culture, where standards are explicitly and directly asserted.

•Importance and Influence of Diversity and Culture

In a workplace with a mix of cultures, employees are given the opportunity to improve their skills and abilities. Additionally, it has the potential to enhance contentment and performance as well as problem-solving skills (Maryville Online, 2021). To make the new comers from Thailand invite in the association, organization requirements to reexamine their administration and authority qualities.  It is essential to make it abundantly clear the significance of a diverse culture in leadership positions and the ways in which diversification can significantly improve an organization’s corporate processes.


It can be MBA401 Developing intercultural competence concluded that there are both Hofstede’s and Hall theories which can be used to analyze the intercultural differences and it may to message between those cultural diversities. There are there strategies to call the employees from the Thailand which are plan projects around different time zones, employ different cultural communication styles and overcome cultural and language barriers. The practical examples of our organization are occurrence of open communication between the employees, representation from distinct cultures and implementation of effective conflict resolution management.

Reference Lists

Alizadeh Afrouzi, O. (2021). Humanitarian behavior across high-/low-context cultures: a comparative analysis between Switzerland and Colombia. Journal of International Humanitarian Action, [online] 6(1). doi:10.1186/s41018-020-00088-y.

Bhawuk, D.P.S. (2017). Intercultural Competence Development. The International Encyclopedia of Intercultural Communication, pp.1–9. doi:10.1002/9781118783665.ieicc0184.

Maryville Online. (2021). Importance of Diversity in Leadership. [online] Available at:

Nickerson, C. (2022). Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory. [online] Available at:


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