Information Technology

ITECH1001 Assignment

30 March 2023 11:35 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

ITECH1001 Assignment :

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ITECH1001 Assignment
ITECH1001 Assignment

Assessment Specification for ITECH1001 Assignment 2: Individual Report

  Assessments Instructions  
Type: Word file Release Date: Week 2 Due Date: Week 9 Weighting: 30% Time allocation: 10-12 hrs Word length: Collectively 1200 – 1500 words References: Minimum 5 References in APA 7 Style. See Fedcite for specific details. Submission Submission Portal in the assessment section on Moodle using Turnitin Marking Criteria A Marking Rubric is provided at the end of the document. The minimum score for this assessment is 0 and the maximum score is 48, which will be converted to 30% weightage of the total. Assessor Course Coordinator and Course Lecturer Mark/Feedback Summative feedback and mark will be available via Moodle no later than 3 weeks from the date of submission as per University policy  

Course Objectives:

The assessment tasks specified in this document address several the objectives of this course; these being:

  • use a range of effective communication strategies
  • write professional letters, memos and reports using correct grammar and spelling
  • work independently
  • adapt a communication strategy to suit the audience.

Purpose of the task

In many situations of your future work life, you could be required to do some fact-finding or an investigation into a specific topic given to you by your line-manager. This assignment is to mimic such a task, to develop skills in researching a chosen subject, gathering information, summarising it, and presenting your educated points of view concerning the investigation. Depending on your chosen task you may have to make an informed recommendation of which product or solution is preferred. For this assessment work, you are required to select a specific topic from the list of topics below.


Choose one topic from the following list:

  1. Are VPNs Safe? VPN services help users stay anonymous when browsing the web. Is it safe to use them? Or do these companies collect private information to use it in their purpose?
  2. The future of Biometrics and the issue of privacy.
  3. Smart Dust technology and privacy
  4. Cloud Technologies in Healthcare Industry. Cloud can be used to store, manage, and retrieve information conveniently. However, is it safe?
  5. Self-Driving Vehicles. Are they safe? What should we do when the accidents between such cars occur? Who are to blame in injuries and fatal outcomes?
  6. Cryptocurrency: A Critical Change of Financial Systems or Just a Buzz? Is it possible that Bitcoin can occupy the market and change the way we make transactions globally?
  7. Paper battery in day-to-day life – Efficiency analysis.

Following steps need to be followed for writing the Individual Report Assessment

  1. Include a cover paper/title page clearly stating University Name, Course Name, Course Code, Student Name, Student Id, Topic and Lecturer Name.
  2. For the topic of your choice, research minimum 5 different sources. The sources can be combination of any type of resources like website, journal article, book/book chapter, etc. If you are selecting website as a resource, don’t use Wikipedia as your resource type. Make sure that the resources especially the website is legitimate and evaluated using the 5ws framework. The details of the framework can be found in week 2 lecture slides.
  3. After researching your topic, enter all the resources that you have searched in the Endnote bibliographic software. The link to download the software can be found in the following URL
  4. Prepare a report containing the following sections:
  5. A title page giving the student name and chosen topic
  6. A table of contents
  7. A table of figures/graphs/illustrations etc
  8. A mind map on the topic that you have chosen.  The mind map will be basis for your report. 
  9. The introduction to the overall report
  10. Main body of the report detailing concepts and ideas. This will contain material summarised from the references that you have read, correctly citing those references.
  11. A conclusion to the overall report
  12. A time estimation based on the exercise in Tutorial 1, on the estimated time to complete the tasks and how long the tasks took. There is a template provided to complete the time estimation component of the report.
  13. A full reference list in APA 7 format.

Please note that this is an individual piece of work. Marks will be awarded for completeness and presentation of the submission, for currency and relevance of discussion, correct use of paraphrasing, referencing and English expression, grammar, and spelling. As the submission happens through Turnitin, the similarity percentage will be checked. For high similarity percentage, the universities plagiarism policy will be followed. This may even result in zero marks for the assessment work or escalated to higher levels depending upon the level of plagiarism.



Template for time estimation task

Note that the number of sub tasks (rows in the table) are for example only and have no relationship to the actual number of tasks you consider appropriate.

Time estimation for individual reflection

TaskBest time OD (Optimistic Duration)Worst Time PD (Pessimistic Duration)Estimated time ED (Estimated Duration)

Note this exercise was part of the Week 1 tutorial.  Please review the activity from Week 1 to help you complete this part of the assignment.

Formula for time taken (Duration = D):


D = ((1 * OD) + (4 * ED) + (1 * PD))/6

Marking Rubric – Individual Report

Criteria4 marks3 marks2 marks1 mark0 marks
Mind mapExcellent mindmap showing main idea and sub ideas connected correctly.Mindmap shows main idea and sub ideas but missing links/connection between themSeveral ideas presented in the mind map and or missing sub ideas and links.Simplistic mind map not explored to detailed levels and irrelevant ideas are presented that make no connection to the main ideaNot attempted
IntroductionExcellent introduction that give interesting lead in with good overview and plan of work.Good introduction with some overview and plan of workIntroduction gives some overview but no real plan of work.Introduction attempted but does not give overview or plan of workNot attempted
Development of discussion in reportTopic was critically and thoroughly discussed. The paragraphs completely followed the structure of starting with a topic sentence followed by evidence/example/facts and logical conclusion. The flow between the paragraphs was seamless. Intext citations were provided throughout the discussion.Topic was mostly discussed critically and thoroughly. The paragraphs mostly followed the required structure and the flow between the paragraphs was mostly logical. In-text citations were provided most of the times.Large sections discuss the topic with little critical integration. The ideas were not split properly between the different paragraphs and the transition from one paragraph to another wasn’t smooth. Very few in-text citations were provided.Most of the discussions on the topic were not related to the topic and lacking critical integration majorly. The paragraphs did not follow any structure and the transition was abrupt. Missing intext citations in the development of discussion.Not attempted or completely irrelevant 
Conclusion Excellent conclusion that gives interesting summary of work and leaves reader with a thought-provoking final comment.Very good conclusion that gives summary of work, but final comment is not that impressive Conclusion gives satisfactory summary of work and no final comment Conclusion gives some summary of work and no final commentNot attempted
ParaphrasingExcellent use of paraphrasing.  Evidence of synthesising the information from several sources and presenting a concise summary.Good use of paraphrasing.  Limited number of quote and usually where technical terms or similar have been used.  Some evidence of synthesising informationSome fair attempts at paraphrasing.  Some quotes would have been better paraphrased.Paraphrasing had lot of direct quotes from the source and very less attempt at converting into own words was evident.Not attempted or not paraphrased
English writing styleExcellent English skills.  Well written with good sentence structure, grammar and spelling throughout.Good English expression, spelling, and grammar.  Well-formed sentences and phrase for the most part.Satisfactory English writing skills but some poorly constructed sentences and phrases.  Some spelling and grammatical mistakesEnglish expression, grammar and spelling often incorrect.  Poorly formed sentences and phrasesWriting style very poor with incorrect grammar, spelling, and expression mistakes throughout.
OrganisationReport has excellent organisation with informative table of contents and page numbers clearly visible throughout report. Report well organised with good table of contents and page numbers. Report organization is average.  Table of contents not complete and/or page numbers missing Report Organization is unsatisfactory. Missing table of contents and/or page numbers. Report is very difficult to follow with no table of contents or page numbers.
Time Estimation ExerciseBreakdown of tasks into sub-tasks Accuracy of time allowed for sub-tasks Application of formula for the final time estimation was shown.Breakdown of tasks into sub-tasks. Accuracy of time allowed for sub-tasks. Incorrect application of formula for the final time estimation.Breakdown of tasks into sub-tasks. No formula was applied.Breakdown of tasks into sub-tasks was minimally shown. No formula was applied.Not attempted
References (APA)References all in APA 7 format and correctly listed at the end of the literature review in alphabetical order.References in APA 7 style but not in alphabetical order and/or not combined at end of literature review.Most references in APA 7 format but some missing and /or references not combined at the end of the report.Very few references are in APA 7 style but not in alphabetical order and/or not combined at end of literature review.No references were provided.
References (completeness)Excellent references that show evidence of wide reading of current research.Good references, some a little out of date.  References a bit limited.A few good references, but some too old or from inappropriate sources such as unreferenced web pages or blogs.Limited references, mostly too old and/or from inappropriate sources such as web pages or blogs.No references given in work


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