
CHCECE036 Provide Support To Children’s Learning

28 March 2023 10:07 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

CHCECE036 Provide Support To Children’s Learning :

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CHCECE036  Provide  support to  children’s learning
CHCECE036 Provide support to children’s learning

RTO No. 31736 | CRICOS 03010G

CHCECE036 – Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning

Student Assessment tool 2 of 3

Version control

DateVersionChanges madeAuthor
May 2022V2.0New development from ComplianceJacqui Conway

Students, please complete this cover sheet. PRINT CLEARLY using Black or Blue Ink only.

Student name 
Student number 
Student email 
Assessor name 
Assessment due date 
Submission dateAttempt 1 Date:  Attempt 2 Date:  Attempt 3 Date:  
Result for attempt (S or NS)   

Copyright © 2022 Malekhu Investments trading as Queensford College. All rights reserved.


Version control 1

Student declaration of authenticity. 3

Assessment Tool 2 of 3: Short answer 4

Student instructions. 4

How to submit this Assessment Tool 4

What you must do to achieve Satisfactory for this Assessment Tool 4

Written answer question guidance. 4

Question 1 – Service standards, policies, and procedures. 6

Question 2 – Play based instruction. 7

Question 3 – Type of play. 7

Question 4 – Differing ages, abilities, and interests. 8

Question 5 – Requirements of the National Quality Standard and related regulations and laws  9

AT 2 of 3 Result (for use by assessor only) 11

Note:   You must sign the student declaration for your submission to be accepted.

Student declaration of authenticity

Before you submit this Assessment Tool you must declare the work is your own. Read the text below. Sign the declaration if you agree with all the statements. I declare:
Signed Dated 
Note: If you are completing this document electronically, use either a scanned and cropped jpg image of your signature or type your name in the space above. For documents submitted through Moodle, the inclusion of this declaration with any form of signature, however presented, with your submission, indicates you understand and agree the declaration is true. If you are completing this CHCECE036 Provide support to children’s learning Assessment Tool as self-marking questions on Moodle, you will be required to agree to an electronic statement of authenticity at the beginning of the Knowledge questions before being able to proceed.

Assessment Tool 2 of 3: Short answer

Student instructions

PurposeThis assessment provides the opportunity to demonstrate an understanding of children’s play and learning and the service standards, policies and procedures which must be adhered to.
LocationYour assessor will advise the due date and time for this assessment. You are to answer a series of questions. Complete this activity on Moodle. If the quiz is not available as self-marking in Moodle: Submit this document when you have completed all sections. Upload document to Moodle by clicking on the link named CHCECE036 AT 2 of 3_Submission link. You MUST keep the original of this document somewhere safe.
Resources supplied by your assessorSparkling Stars Educator Handbook
Resources supplied by youComputer and internet access

How to submit this Assessment Tool

What?Complete all the questions in this document and upload to Submission link
When?Your assessor will advise the due date and time for this assessment.
Where?On Moodle

What you must do to achieve Satisfactory for this Assessment Tool

This Assessment Tool is the first of three assessments for this Unit of Competency. You must achieve a Satisfactory result (correct response) for every question. You are permitted three (3) attempts at this assessment.

Written answer question guidance

The following written questions use a range of “instructional words” such as “identify” or “explain”, which tell you how you should answer the question. Use the definitions below to assist you in providing the type of response expected.

Note the following guidance is the minimum level of response required.

AnalyseWhen a question asks you to analyse something, you should do so in detail, and identify important points and key features. One or two paragraphs is expected.
CompareWhen a question asks you to compare something, show how two or more things are similar, also indicate the relevance of the consequences. One or two paragraphs is expected.
ContrastWhen a question asks you to contrast something, show how two or more things are different, ensuring you indicate the relevance or the consequences. One or two paragraphs is expected.
DescribeWhen a question asks you to describe something, state the most noticeable qualities or features. Two to three sentences are expected. 
DiscussWhen a question asks you to discuss something, point out important issues or features and express some form of critical judgement. One or two paragraphs is expected.
EvaluateWhen a question asks you to evaluate something, put forward arguments for and against something. One or two paragraphs is expected.
ExamineWhen a question asks you to examine something, this is like “analyse” – provide a detailed response with key points and features and a critical analysis. One or two paragraphs is expected.
ExplainWhen a question asks you to explain something, make clear how or why something happened or the way it is. Two to three sentences are expected. 
IdentifyWhen a question asks you to identify something, you are asked to briefly describe the required information. Two to three sentences are expected. 
ListWhen a question asks you to list something you are expected to briefly state information in a list format.
OutlineWhen a question asks you to outline something, this means giving only the main points, A response two to three sentences is expected. 
SummariseWhen a question asks you to summarise something, this means (like “outline”) only giving the main points. Two to three sentences are expected. 

Question 1 – Service standards, policies, and procedures

Consider that you are an early childhood educator working for Sparkling Stars Childcare Centre. Access the Sparkling Stars Educator Handbook is found in your Student Resources. Review the contents of Sparkling Star’s Educator Handbook in the areas of educational program practice, health, safety, physical environment, and relationship with children. For each of the areas, document a standard, policy, and a procedure.

Educational program   
Educational practice   
Children’s Health   
Children’s Safety   
Physical environment   
Relationship with children   
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 2 – Play based instruction

Answer the following questions relating to play based instruction.

What role does play based instruction have in an early learning centre? 
List three (3) features of play-based instruction. 
Explain why play-based pedagogy is important. 
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

Question 3 – Type of play

To demonstrate your understanding of the various environments, resources, and materials for different types of play, using your own words, complete the following table for each type of play.

Type of playEnvironment (brief explanation)Resources (minimum of two)Materials (minimum of two)
Indoor play   
Outdoor play   
Individual Play   
Group play   
Play supporting fundamental skills   

Question 4 – Differing ages, abilities, and interests

Read the following scenario:

You currently have a group of eight (8) children aged between 3 and 4.5 years old in your room at Sparkling Stars Childcare Centre.  There are three children in the group who loved being outdoors, being on the swings, running and climbing are their favourites things to do. Three of the children love art and crafts and are very independent, they like to choose the materials they want to use and take them from the container themselves.  The two remaining children have just turned three, they possibly could still be in a younger age group class.  They both love getting their hands sticky and messy, they are tactile, however do not have the independence and ability of the rest of the group.

In your own words, write a paragraph on what should be included in the activity program for this room to adapt to each of their differing ages, abilities and interests which will both encourage and engage all the children.


Question 5 – Requirements of the National Quality Standard and related regulations and laws

Provided in the table below are elements of Quality Areas 1, 2, 3, and 5 of the National Quality Standard (NQS). Access and review each of the Quality Areas in the ACECQA website. Next, research the laws and regulations applicable in your State/Territory. You can access these sources using the following links:

Using the table provided, document:

Quality AreaLegislationCoverageSectionRequirement to be Met by Early Years Learning Centre
Quality Area 1: Educational Program and Practice   
Quality Area 2: Children’s Health and Safety   
Quality Area 3: Physical Environment   
Quality Area 5: Relationships with Children   
Assessors use onlySatisfactoryNot yet satisfactory
Comment if NYS 

AT 2 of 3 Result (for use by assessor only)

Has the declaration of authenticity been signed, or has it been done in Moodle?☐ Yes  ☐ No
Results for this Assessment ToolQuestion 1SatisfactoryNot Satisfactory
Question 2SatisfactoryNot Satisfactory
Question 3SatisfactoryNot Satisfactory
Question 4SatisfactoryNot Satisfactory
Question 5SatisfactoryNot Satisfactory
Name of assessor 
Signature of assessor   
Has reasonable adjustment been made by the assessor in assessing the student’s competency in respect of this Assessment Tool? ☐ Yes   ☐ No If yes, the assessor must specify the arrangements of the reasonable adjustment. Describe here:  
Date of marking assessmentClick here to enter a date.
If resubmission is required, provide dateClick here to enter a date.
If resubmission is required, specify requirementsResubmission due date and time:   The following must be resubmitted:  

Note to assessor: once this Result section is completed, copy the result of S or NS to the cover page and transfer result to the Student Assessment Tracker.


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