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BSBSUS511 Communication Plan Assessment

28 March 2023 07:10 AM | UPDATED 2 years ago

BSBSUS511 Communication Plan Assessment:

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BSBSUS511 Communication plan Assessment
BSBSUS511 Communication plan Assessment
Learner Name     
Workplace/Organisation     Bounce Fitness
State/Territory     NSW
Action ItemsAffected StakeholdersPersonnel ResponsibleInformation to be Communicated Include specific details on what you will communicate.Communication Method to be UsedFrequencyStatus Update
     Introduction of Recycling Program     All employees     Sustainability Officer     Purpose and benefits of recycling program     Email to all employees     Monthly updates on recycling progress     Monthly reporting on recycling program progress
     Implementation of Energy-Efficient Lighting     Building management     Building Manager     Energy savings and cost benefits of energy-efficient lighting     Notice to building management     Building Manager to monitor energy savings     Building Manager to report energy savings
     Promotion of Carpooling and Public Transport     Commuting employees     Human Resources     Incentives for carpooling and using public transport     Employee newsletter     Quarterly promotions for carpooling and public transport     Quarterly updates on carpooling and public transport participation
Learner Name     
Workplace/Organisation     Bounce Fitness
State/Territory     NSW


Date     2023/Jan 30Time     12pmMeeting Location     Meeting Hall
Purpose of meeting     Consultation regarding the implementation of the new sustainability policy
Facilitator     Roshan
Notetaker     Bibek
AttendeesAttendees must sign beside their name after the meeting.      Bibek Smriti Bigyan Roshan Amrit
Review of Previous Action Items Write NA or Nil if not applicable for this meeting.
Action ItemsPerson ResponsibleRemarks
     Research sustainability policy     Bibek     Completed
     Develop implementation plan     Smriti     Completed
     NA     NA     NA

Agenda Item 1: [Introduction and Overview]
     The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the implementation of the new sustainability policy. The facilitator provided an overview of the policy and implementation plan, as well as discussed the potential impacts to the workplace and stakeholders.
Agenda Item 2: [Communication Plan]
     The attendees discussed the communication plan and identified the key activities of BSBSUS511 Communication plan Assessment to be undertaken, stakeholders impacted by the implementation, key personnel responsible for the implementation of the activity, information to be communicated to stakeholders to successfully implement the activity, communication method
Agenda Item 3: [Resources and Timelines]
     The attendees discussed the resources and timelines associated with the implementation of the BSBSUS511 Communication plan Assessment sustainability policy. They identified the resources and personnel required to ensure successful implementation. They also discussed the timeline for each activity and identified a timeline for the completion of the policy implementation.  
Agenda Item 4: [Closing]
     The attendees discussed any remaining questions or concerns about the implementation of the sustainability policy. The facilitator emphasized the importance of the policy in promoting sustainability in the workplace, and thanked everyone for their contributions to the discussion.    
Action Items for Next Meeting
Action ItemsPerson ResponsibleTarget Date
     Finalize Communication Plan     Bibek     28 Feb
     Gather Resources for Implementation     Smriti     2 March
     Finalize Timeline for Implementation        Bigyan     6 March
Learner Name     
Workplace/Organisation     Bounce Fitness
State/Territory     NSW
Date Prepared     30 Jan


Policy Number/ Reference (If applicable)     BSBSUS511-1
Policy Title     Sustainability Policy and Procedures
Date Approved     30 Jan 2023
Date of Policy Commencement      30 Jan 2023
Version No. and History     Version 1
Date of Next Review     30 Jan 2024
Approval Authority     CEO
Legislative and Regulatory Context
Outline all legislation and regulations relevant to the policy you are developing.      The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 (Qld)      The Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth)      The Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth)
Policy Statement
     At Bounce Fitness, we are committed to creating a sustainable workplace and minimizing our environmental impact. This policy of BSBSUS511 Communication plan Assessment outlines the sustainability goals and objectives that our organization must strive to achieve.  
Scope of the Policy
     This policy applies to all staff, contractors, and visitors of Bounce Fitness.
Purpose of the Policy
     The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the organisation is taking steps to reduce its environmental footprint, with particular
Definition of Terms
List and define terms, acronyms, or jargons used in this policy and procedures which your target audience needs to clarify, e.g. ‘Waste minimisation refers to processes and practices aimed at reducing the waste produced by the organisation.’             Sustainability: The ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.      Waste Minimisation: Processes and practices aimed at reducing the waste produced by the organisation.
Outline and define the roles of key personnel involved in the implementation of this policy, including their specific responsibilities. [Role of key personnel]      CEO [Outline of responsibilities]       overall responsibility for the implementation and monitoring of the policy.      The CEO is responsible for ensuring that the policy is implemented and monitored effectively.


Outline the activities that your organization of BSBSUS511 Communication plan Assessment will undertake to implement the policy. If there’s more than one set of procedures, organize them into headings.       • Implementing energy efficiency measures, such as installing energy efficient lighting and equipment. • Introducing waste minimization initiatives, such as using reusable containers and reducing paper usage. • Utilizing renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind and biofuel. • Offsetting carbon emissions through carbon credits, carbon offset projects and other initiatives. • Educating staff and other stakeholders about the importance of sustainability and the need to reduce environmental impact. • Establishing goals and objectives for sustainability and monitoring progress towards these goals.  
Provide details of how your organisation will measure the success of your policy implementation. Indicate the key performance indicators corresponding to the goals and objectives of the policy, e.g. 30% reduction in paper use per year.       • Reduction in waste: The organisation will aim to reduce its waste by 10% per year. • Reduction in carbon emissions: The organisation will aim to reduce its carbon emissions by 20% per year. • Use of renewable energy: The organisation will aim to increase its use of renewable energy sources by 5% per year. • Energy efficiency: The organisation will aim to increase its energy efficiency by 10% per year.
In this section: Outline the recording systems you will use to track the successful implementation of your organisation’s policy; Identify the key personnel from the organisation responsible for monitoring each recording system; and Describe how each recording system will be used, and the frequency when each system will be used to monitor the implementation. Include in this section any relevant reports that your organisation will use to track the performance of the policy implementation.
     Energy Usage Record     Sustainability Manager.     These records will be used to track energy usage and identify areas for improvement. They will be reviewed monthly.
      Waste Records     Sustainability Manager.     These records will be used to track the amount of waste produced and areas for improvement. They will be reviewed quarterly.
     Carbon Emissions Records     Sustainability Manager.     These records will be used to track carbon emissions and areas for improvement. They will be reviewed annually.


Outline the procedures on how your organization will monitor the implementation of BSBSUS511 Communication plan Assessment of the policy to identify trends, outcomes and areas for improvements in the policy.      The Sustainability Manager will review the energy and waste records on a monthly and quarterly basis respectively to identify areas for improvement.      The Sustainability Manager will review the carbon emissions records on an annual basis to identify areas for improvement.      The Sustainability Manager will consult with relevant stakeholders and adjust the policy as necessary.
Outline potential reasons that could trigger a need for change/modification in this policy.      Changes in technology.      Changes in business operations.      Changes in customer needs and expectations.
Outline how the outcomes of the policy implementation will be communicated to external and internal stakeholders of the organization of BSBSUS511 Communication plan Assessment. Include in your outline the target timeframes for reporting.      The outcomes of policy implementation will be reported on a quarterly basis to the CEO and the Board of Directors.      The outcomes will be reported to external stakeholders, such as government bodies, on an annual basis.      Progress reports will be sent to staff on a monthly basis to ensure that they are aware of the progress made in the implementation of the policy.
Learner Name     
Workplace/Organisation     Bounce Fitness
State/Territory     NSW
Date Prepared     2023/JAN 30
Proposed Policy Title     


Reason for Policy Development     The reason for developing this policy is to ensure that the workplace/organisation is meeting its sustainability goals, as well as complying with any relevant legislation, regulations, and best practices related to environmental protection and corporate sustainability actions.
Organisational System     The organisational system is the overall system of processes and policies in place to ensure that the organisation is meeting its sustainability goals. These processes and policies include waste management, energy efficiency, and the use of resources.    
Organisational Procedures     The organisational procedures are the specific steps and procedures that are in place to ensure that the organisation is meeting its sustainability goals. These procedures include the use of sustainable materials in manufacturing processes, the implementation of energy conservation measures, and the implementation of waste minimisation/reduction strategies.
Sustainability Issue/s in the Organisational System/Procedures     The sustainability issues that are present in the organisational system/procedures include the inefficient use of resources, the lack of waste reduction/minimisation strategies, and the lack of energy conservation measures. Additionally, there may be issues related to the use of renewable energy sources, the implementation of green initiatives, and the adoption of sustainable practices.


Policy Statement     The policy statement of this policy is that Bounce Fitness is committed to the sustainability of our environment, and the implementation of green initiatives and sustainable practices in our workplace.
Purpose of Policy     The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Bounce Fitness is meeting its sustainability goals, and adhering to the relevant legislation, regulations, and best practices related to environmental protection and corporate sustainability actions.
Target Timeframes     The target timeframes for this policy are to have the policy developed and implemented within three months of the date of this policy scope statement.
Resources Required for ImplementationIdentify all resources that must be considered by the organisation to implement this policy. Include details on where each resource can be obtained. –  A copy of the relevant legislation, regulations, and best practices related to environmental protection and corporate sustainability actions; – Sustainable materials for manufacturing processes; – Energy conservation measures; – Waste minimisation/reduction strategies; – Renewable energy sources; – Green initiatives; – Sustainable practices.
Cost of ImplementationOutline costs that must be considered by the organisation to implement this policy. Include in this section the individual cost of each associated costs, and the total expected cost for the policy implementation.      The estimated cost of implementing this policy is $10,000. This cost includes the individual costs of the resources required for implementation, such as the purchase of sustainable materials, the installation of energy conservation measures, and the implementation
Stakeholders to ConsultList all stakeholders who need to be consulted when developing, implementing, and reviewing the continuous improvement of this policy. Write the name, job role/position, and organisation/department of each stakeholder.       – Kate Jones, Environmental Manager, Bounce Fitness – John Smith, Sustainability Consultant, Bounce Fitness – Sarah White, Environmental Officer, Department of Environment and Energy – Peter Brown, Sustainability Manager, Department of Environment and Energy – Matt Green, CEO, Bounce Fitness


Relevant Corporate Sustainability LegislationIdentify at least one legislation relevant to corporate sustainability, as applicable to your workplace, and the policy you will develop.      The relevant corporate sustainability legislation applicable to the policy I am developing is the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth).
Jurisdictionþ Federal¨ State/territory-based
Legislative Requirements  Outline requirements under the legislation identified as applicable to the policy you will develop. Add more rows as necessary.
     Ensuring that activities and decisions of the workplace/organisation do not have a significant impact on matters of national environmental significance;
     Ensuring that the workplace/organisation complies with any conditions of approval or consent that have been imposed;
     Ensuring that the workplace/organisation complies with any conditions of approval or consent that have been imposed.
Relevant Sustainability RegulationsIdentify at least one environmental regulation relevant to the policy you will develop.       The relevant sustainability regulations applicable to the policy I am developing is the NSW Industrial Pollution Control Regulation 2019.    
Jurisdiction¨ Federalþ State/territory-based
Regulatory Requirements Outline requirements under the regulations identified as applicable to the policy you will develop. Add more rows as necessary.
     Ensuring that activities and decisions of the workplace/organisation do not contribute to environmental pollution;
     Ensuring that the workplace/organisation complies with any relevant environmental protection requirements;
      Ensuring that the workplace/organisation complies with any waste management requirements specified by the regulator.


Log all sources of information accessed to plan each of the policies you will develop. At least two of the sources logged must be based on a written source.

     Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (Cth) –
     NSW Industrial Pollution Control Regulation 2019 –
     Business Sustainability Guide: A Guide to Developing and Implementing an Effective Sustainability Program –
Learner Name     
Workplace/Organisation     Bounce Fitness
State/Territory     NSW
Resource Required Refer to list of resources outlined in the Implementation Plan.How Resource was Obtained/AccessedDateEvidence SubmittedSupervisor/Assessor Sign off
     Recycling bins     Ordered online from a supplier     3 FEB     Copy of purchase receipt     
     Posters to promote sustainability initiatives     Printed in-house     4 FEB     Copy of the posters     
     New energy efficient lightbulbs     Ordered online from a supplier     5 FEB     Copy of purchase receipt     
Supervisor/Assessor Declaration By signing here, I confirm that I have observed the learner source the resources outlined in this log, to be used for the implementation of the sustainability policy and procedures within the workplace/organisation.  I confirm that the information recorded on this form is true and accurately reflects the learner’s submission for this task.
Supervisor/Assessor’s signature     
Supervisor/Assessor’s name     
Date signed     
Learner Name      
Workplace/Organisation     Bounce Fitness 
State/Territory     30 Jan/2023 
Activity Include specific tasks on how to undertake this activity.Personnel ResponsibleResources Required Include where to obtain or access the resource.Target Timeframes for Implementation Include specific milestones to achieve per timeframe.Target Outcomes After ImplementationStatus Update
     Implementing the waste management system     The CEO     Recycling bins     waste segregation signs     Within 2 weeks     Reduction in the amount of waste generated by the organisation
     Establish a system for determining which materials used in the business are recyclable.     Manager     Training materials     Develop system for separating and disposing of recyclable materials      2 months      All recyclable materials are sorted and disposed of correctly.
     Develop a waste management plan outlining the methods and processes required to ensure all recyclable materials are disposed of correctly.     Sustainability Officer     Information about local recycling services     Develop waste management plan      3 months     There is a system in place to determine which materials are recyclable.
Areas of Improvement Identify areas of improvement in the policy based on the actual outcomes of the implementation.
     Improve the system for determining which materials are recyclable to ensure accuracy.
     Review the waste management plan regularly to ensure it is up to date.


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