
BRH606BM Business Research For Hoteliers

28 March 2023 09:40 AM | UPDATED 1 year ago

BRH606BM Business Research For Hoteliers:

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BRH606BM Business Research for Hoteliers
BRH606BM Business Research for Hoteliers

Subject Code and TitleBRH606BM Business Research for Hoteliers
AssessmentPresentation on research problem and literature review
Length15-minute presentation (+/- 10%), with accompanying slides 5-minute Q&A
Learning OutcomesThe Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:   Analyse the various approaches to business and social research, and the difference between primary and secondary research.Develop business research skills such as critical reading and analysis of existing knowledge relevant to hotel management to identify researchable problems. d) Conceptually map the research process, developing a defensible framework for proposed research that complies with ethical principles.
SubmissionDue by 8:00am ACST/ACDT/AEST/AEDT – Week 5 day of presentation.
Weighting25% (15% group, 10% individual)
Total Marks100 marks

Assessment Task

As a group, prepare a 15-minute presentation (with accompanying slides) to introduce your chosen industry-related research problem, the research objectives and questions, and the literature review of relevant academic sources to support your chosen research problem. This presentation will be presented in class with a Q&A session at the end where your Learning Facilitator will be asking each group member a question about the research project.

Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.


In this BRH606BM Business Research for Hoteliers assessment, through a group presentation on the research problem and literature review, you will be equipped with critical research skills, filtering information, reviewing the literature and identifying the knowledge gap. Moreover, you will learn the process of narrowing down the research focus and identifying a research problem based on the knowledge gap and the significance of the research topic.

A proper definition of a research problem is a critical step in any research in helping you stay on the track, whereas an ill-defined problem may create hurdles. Similarly, your review of the literature needs to be focused and in line with the research topic. You will appreciate that the literature review

process identifies, evaluates and synthesises research literature relevant to a particular research topic (e.g., a real-world hospitality problem).

This assessment aims to equip you with the ability to formulate, plan and justify a relevant research project in response to a business-related problem. In this assessment, you are asked to first identify a business-related problem. Then, carefully and critically read the relevant past studies and compose a literature review. This will help you find the aspects of your identified industry-related problem that has not been addressed by past studies. Therefore, you will define the aims and objectives of your research based on the identified problem and the knowledge gap.

This assessment is an important milestone in the development of the group research proposal in Assessment 3.

Task Instructions

Note: It is important to highlight that all the following steps should be completed as a group, not individually. The presentation is the only part of this assessment that has an individual component.

Step 1: Identifying the business problem/research topic

As a group, you are to identify an industry-related problem to build this BRH606BM Business Research for Hoteliersassessment based on the research-backed solutions that you suggest. This can be drawn from your area of study or current workplace environment. The identified problem or issue needs to:

  • be currently occurring within a real organisation (and not industry–wide)
  • have a significant impact on the business
  • be one that a “decision” on a course of remedial action is required.

Note that you will not be allowed to conduct research that involves the following:

  • minors below the age of 18
  • people with physical, sensory, psychiatric, neurological, cognitive and/or intellectual disability
  • the deception of participants and/or evading the requirement of obtaining informed consent.

Step 2: Collecting and reviewing relevant literature to identify gaps in knowledge

Individually, you are required to collect, summarise and theme a minimum of three (3) academic articles and one (1) industry article relating to your given research topic. This means, as a group, a minimum of 12 academic articles in literature review is recommended.

Evaluating the literature to identify the research statement

In your group, you will collate, analyse and synthesise the collected literature review aligned to the chosen research problem and area of investigation for identifying the research gap. Through this, students will set up the research questions, research aims and objectives. This will provide the conceptual framework for the research proposal in Assessment 3.

Step 3: Devise a research aim and series of objectives/questions/hypothesis the research will address

Based on the gaps in knowledge you have identified, you will need to devise the research aim and a series of objectives or questions or hypothesis that your proposed research will address – and this will be presented in slide 5 in your presentation (see suggested outline below).

Note that the objectives should indicate what the research project aims to explore and allow the audience to assess whether or not the project is viable.

Step 4: Present the work (15 minutes)

As a group, you will develop a group presentation of the research problem and literature review with a maximum of 10 slides. You and your group members will be taking turns to present the three different parts of the work in class. Each group member will be allocated around 3 minutes to present their individual slide in the presentation.

Suggested structure of presentation slides

  1. Cover slide: This slide should include the title of the research problem and the names of the group members.

You will be presenting the research problem of BRH606BM Business Research for Hoteliers and the objectives together in your group in class (or online). You will be given three minutes each for the presentation of the literature review/gaps. The suggested slides and minutes allocated to each slide is as follows:

  • Slide 1: Research problem and context (group graded – 4 minutes) This slide should:
  • highlight the business problem and reason(s) why this topic was chosen for the project
  • evaluate the importance and impact this research will have in solving the industry-related problem or issue.
  • Slides 2, 3 and 4 (one per student): Literature review and gap in knowledge (individually graded –

3 minutes per group member)

The literature review should analyse, summarise and critique prominent academic work in relation to the chosen research BRH606BM Business Research for Hoteliers problem and area of investigation. This will provide conceptual support to the proposed research project. Based on the literature review conducted, these slides will demonstrate the key concepts and relevant research conducted on the chosen topic and gap in knowledge which the proposed research project aims to address (if applicable). You and your group members will be required to present this portion of the presentation for three minutes each and will be individually graded on your part of the literature review presentation.

  • Slide 5: Research objectives and research question(s) (minimum of one to maximum of 3) (group graded – 2 minutes)

Present an overarching research aim and a series of question/objectives/hypotheses (minimum of one, maximum of 3) that you will aim to address with your research. Make sure these are linked to your industry-related problem, relevant to the research gaps identified in the literature review, demonstrate a specific scope (population, time, and context), and are feasible to address in the timeframes given to you to conduct your research.

  • Slide 6: References

The last slide should include a reference list and DOIs.

Step 5: Active listening and suitable responding – Q&A (5 minutes)

At the conclusion of your group presentation, your Learning Facilitator will ask each group member a question about the research project. Each group member will be graded individually for their responses.


It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing on the Academic Skills webpage.

Group contract and peer evaluation instructions at the beginning of the term/project:

All students taking part in a group BRH606BM Business Research for Hoteliers assessment should draw up and sign a group contract using the template provided on Blackboard in the Assessments section. This step should be completed at least two weeks prior to the assessment due date. Your Learning Facilitator may ask to review the contracts when deemed necessary (e.g., when there is a lack of progress or conflict among group members).

Submission Instructions

1.       Group contract and peer evaluation instructions at the beginning of the term/project:

All students taking part in a group BRH606BM Business Research for Hoteliers assessment should draw up and sign a group contract using the template provided on Blackboard in the Assessments section. This step should be completed at least two weeks prior to the assessment due date. Your Learning Facilitator may ask to review the contracts when deemed necessary (e.g., when there is a lack of progress or conflict among group members).

2.       During the project:

Students should keep records of communication and drafts. Any serious concerns about an individual group member’s contribution should be brought to the attention of the Learning Facilitator as soon as they occur or at least two weeks before the due date, whichever is earlier.

3.       At the end of the project/assessment submission:

When submitting a group BRH606BM Business Research for Hoteliers assessment, students are required to attach the group contract as an appendix of the submission. Students are reminded not to ‘re-use’ and ‘recycle’ (self-plagiarise) contracts from other assessments. Sections on deliverables, timeline and expectations, in particular, should be unique to each assessment or project. Self-plagiarism constitutes a breach of Academic Integrity and can lead to penalties to the assessment or subject.

The group contract accounts for 10% of the assessment grade, as indicated in the Assessment Rubric. The group contract will be assessed based on its effectiveness in stipulating targets, plans and expectations. It should be clear, realistic and appropriate for the nature of the project.

A peer evaluation form is available on Blackboard in the Assessments section. This can be used by any student who feels there was unequal or unfair contribution from other group member(s) which they would like to raise with the Learning Facilitator. Students who allege others of not contributing equally or fairly must provide clear supporting evidence (e.g., records of communication and drafts) and email it together with a completed peer evaluation form to the Learning Facilitator by the assessment due date. Otherwise, the allegations will be dismissed.

Students who have been accused of not contributing equally or fairly to a group assessment will be contacted by their Learning Facilitator and given three working days to respond to the allegation and provide supporting evidence. If there is no response within three working days of contact, the Learning Facilitator will determine an appropriate mark based on the evidence

available. This may differ from the mark awarded to other group members and would reflect the contribution of the student in terms of quantity and quality of work.

  • You are required to submit a PDF of the PowerPoint slide deck to Safe Assign in Week 5, Monday, no later than 11:55 pm AEST/AEDT.
  • The total word count is a maximum of 1,000 words, excluding references and appendixes, and must be within +/-10% of the assessment word count. Penalties will apply when word count restrictions are not met.
  • Only one copy of the presentation is to be submitted, with the names of all group members listed on the cover slide.
  • A minimum of 12 academic sources and additional supporting industry/professional references are required. Lecture notes are unacceptable as a form of research.
  • A Torrens University Australia Group Assignment Cover Sheet is to be attached to your submission.
  • Please refer to the Assessment Rubric at the end of this brief for the assessment criteria.

Academic Integrity

All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.

Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.

Special Consideration

To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment or exam due to unexpected or extenuating circumstances, please consult the Assessment Policy for Higher Education Coursework and ELICOS and, if applicable to your circumstance, submit a completed Application for Assessment Special Consideration Form to your Learning Facilitator.

Assessment Rubric

  Assessment AttributesFail (Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49%Pass (Functional) 50-64%Credit (Proficient) 65-74%Distinction (Advanced) 75-84%High Distinction (Exceptional) 85-100%
Research problem and context   15% Assessed for each individualDemonstrates no awareness of context and/or purpose of the assignment.Demonstrates limited awareness of context and/or purpose of the assignment.Demonstrates consistent awareness of context and/or purpose of the assignment.Demonstrates an advanced and integrated understanding of context and/or purpose of the assignment.Consistently demonstrates an excellent understanding of context and purpose of the assignment.
Literature review and gap in knowledge   Uses and explains concepts and theories that are relevant to the research topic     30% Assessed for each individualDemonstrates a partial or limited understanding of the field or discipline.   Key components of the assignment are not addressed.Demonstrates an adequate understanding of the field or discipline.   Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas.   Often confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/subject materials.Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the field or discipline/s.   Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/subject materials.   Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.Demonstrates an advanced understanding of the field or discipline/s.   Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/subject materials and extended reading.   Well-demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the field or discipline/s.   Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/subject materials and extended reading.   Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning.
Research aims and questions, objectives, hypothesis     15% Assessed for the whole groupDemonstrates partial or limited synthesis and analysis.   Partial or limited application/ recommendations based upon analysis.Demonstrates analysis and synthesis of new knowledge with application.   Shows the ability to interpret relevant information and literature.Well-developed analysis and synthesis with application of recommendations linked to analysis/synthesis.Thoroughly developed and creative analysis and synthesis with application of pretested models and/or independently developed models and justified recommendations linked to analysis/synthesis.Highly sophisticated and creative analysis, synthesis of new with existing knowledge.   Strong application by way of pretested models and/or independently developed models. Recommendations are clearly justified based on the analysis/synthesis. Application of knowledge to new situations/other cases.
Quality of presentation (Visual)   Uses and presents material and data in a way that is clear, meaningful and engaging to the audience   10% Assessed for the whole groupUnsuitable selection of material and an unclear message.   No use of proper images, icons and/or other graphics and hence not clearly communicated.   Frequent inconsistency in size, scale and/or colour of fonts, graphics and other icons.   Choices in visual presentation made it difficult for the audience to read and engage.   Contains several typos or errors.Some unclarity in the message of presentation because of unsuitable selection of material in some parts.   Use of few if any images, icons and/or other graphics to communicate concepts.   Presence of some inconsistency in size, scale and/or colour of fonts, graphics and other icons.   Choices in visual presentation is not difficult to read but it isClear but basic presentation of selected material so the message and information were generally clear.   Use of some images, icons and/or other graphics to communicate concepts.   Presence of a few inconsistencies in size, scale and/or colour of fonts, graphics and other icons.   Choices in visual presentation is clear for audience to read or engage.Creative presentation of material resulting in clarity of message and information.   Good use of images, icons and/or other graphics to communicate key concepts.   Consistent size, scale and colour of fonts, graphics and other icons.   Choices in visual presentation are clear, engaging and easy to read.   Contains no typos or errors.Imaginative and creative presentation of material resulting in clarity of message and information.   Excellent use of images, icons and/or other graphics to communicate key concepts.   Consistent Size, scale and colour of fonts, graphics and other icons.   Choices in visual presentation are clear, engaging and easy to read.   Contains no typos or errors.
    difficult for the audience to engage.   Contains some typos or errors. Contains only minor typos or errors.       Quality of presentation (Spoken)   Each individual can articulate a clear, comprehensive and logical progression with the right balance of detail for the audience       10% Assessed for each individual Poor time management.   Communication is unstructured and unfocused and/or in a format inappropriate for the task.   The speaker’s speech was unclear, rushed and/or too softly spoken to be clearly understood. There was little connection with the audience.   Incomprehensible due to poor oral language competence or careless speaking. Fair time management.   Some communication is effective and in an appropriate format for the task.   Overall, the speaker’s speech was clear and evenly paced, but one or more speakers may have spoken too softly or too quickly.     Some language mistakes, a basic communication of ideas. Good time management and well timed.   Can communicate effectively in a format appropriate to the task and report in a clear and concise manner with all relevant information.   The speaker’s speech was clear and evenly paced, but at times, one or more speakers may have spoken too softly or quickly to maintain connection with the audience. Excellent time management and well timed.   Can communicate effectively in a format appropriate to the task and report in a clear and concise manner with all relevant information in a variety of formats.   The speaker’s speech was clear and effective using an even pace and tone/intonation to keep audience engaged.   Very well spoken with only minor language mistakes. Excellent time management and well timed.   Very effective communication in a format appropriate to the task and report in a clear and concise manner with an exceptional level of application of relevant information in a variety of formats.   The speaker’s speech was clear and effective using an even pace and tone/intonation to keep audience engaged.   Fluently spoken with engaging language and flow of speech. No language mistakes.         Some minor language mistakes, a good communication of ideas, well spoken.     Quality of research Demonstrates inconsistent Demonstrates use of Demonstrates use of good Demonstrates use of high Demonstrates use of high quality,   Correct citation and use of good quality, credible and relevant quality, credible and quality, credible and credible and relevant resources to referencing of key credible and relevant resources to support and relevant resources to relevant resources to support and develop arguments     develop ideas, but these     and position statements.    
resources and evidence     10% Assessed for the whole groupresources to support and develop ideas.   The minimum number of academic resources has not been met.     APA citations and referencing are omitted or incorrectly addressed.are not always explicit or well developed.   The minimum number of academic resources has not been met. APA citations and referencing are basic, with frequent or repeated and develop ideas.   The minimum number of academic resources has been met.   APA citations and referencing are adequate, with occasional and develop arguments and statements.   Shows some evidence of wide scope of research extending to a variety of sources.   The minimum number of academic resources has been exceeded.   Applies APA citation and referencing techniques with no errors.  Shows strong evidence of wide scope of research extending to a variety of sources.   The minimum number of academic resources has been exceeded.     Applies APA citation and referencing techniques with no errors.
Group contract   10% Assessed for the whole groupThe group contract has been poorly completed.   Targets, plans and expectations have not been clearly defined and are not achievable.   The group contract has not been completed or submitted.The group has partially completed the contract.   Some targets, plans and performance expectations have not been identified and clearly defined. Some targets, plans and performance expectations are not achievable. Roles are not always clear.The group has completed the contract.   The group contract contains somewhat clear, precise and achievable targets and plans. It also stipulates performance expectations for each group member or role.The group has thoroughly completed the contract.   The group contract contains well thought out targets, plans and performance expectations.   There are clear explanations in relation to performance expectations for each group member or role.The group has completed the contract to an exceptional level.   The group contract contains clear, precise and achievable targets and plans which are detailed and well justified.   There are clear and well- structured explanations in relation to performance expectations for each group member or role.
The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
SLO a)Acquire knowledge to understand a research problem using pre-existing literature.
SLO b)Develop business research skills such as critical reading, collecting, structuring and analysis of existing knowledge relevant to hotel management, including key issues, debates and controversies to frame research literature background, aims and research questions.
SLO d)Conceptually map the research process, developing a defensible framework for proposed research that complies with ethical principles.


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