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AURAEA002 Sustainability Practice In An Automotive

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AURAEA002 Sustainability Practice In An Automotive :

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AURAEA002 environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive  workplace Assessment
AURAEA002 environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive workplace Assessment

Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURAEA002 Created Date: 12th Aug 2019
Document no: AURAEA002 Version No: 2.1 Last Modified Date: 05/09/2022
Woodstock International College | RTO Code: 45824 | CRICOS Code: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 1 of 14
Assessment 1 – Questioning – Written Assessment
Student Name Student ID Number
Unit Start Date Unit End Date
Assessment Due Date Date Submitted
This cover sheet is to be completed by the student and assessor and used as a record to determine student

AURAEA002 Sustainability practice in an automotive
competency in this assessment task
The assessment process and tasks were fully explained. Yes/No
I am aware of which evidence will be collected and how.
I am aware of my right to appeal an assessment decision.
I am aware that I can locate The RTO Complaints and Appeals Policy and Procedure on their
website at (
I have discussed any additional educational support or reasonable adjustments I require in order to
undertake this assessment with the Student Support Services Officer and Trainer / Assessor, (if
applicable). e.g., Student Handbook and Access and Equity Policy (
I have access to all required resources?\

AURAEA002 Sustainability practice in an automotive .
Cheating & Plagiarism Declaration
Student Declaration: In accordance with The RTO Plagiarism Policy, I hereby acknowledge by signing this
declaration that I have not cheated or plagiarised any work regarding the assessment tasks undertaken in this unit
of competency except where the work has been correctly acknowledged.
NOTE: Student must sign this prior to submitting their assessments to the assessor
Signature Date: _ / / 20_____
Assessment Results Satisfactory or Not Yet Satisfactory
(Please circle the assessment result for this task)
Feedback to Student – Please provide general feedback on the student’s performance
Student Declaration: – I verify that the work completed
is my own and that I was adequately informed of the
assessment process prior to commencing this
assessment task.

AURAEA002 Sustainability practice in an automotive.

Assessor Declaration: – I verify that I have adequately
explained and negotiated the assessment tasks with the
student prior to commencing assessment.
Student Name: Assessor’s Name:
Student Signature Date Assessor Signature Date

AURAEA002 environmental and sustainability practice in an automotive workplace.

AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive
Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURAEA002 Created Date: 12th Aug 2019
Document no: AURAEA002 Version No: 2.1 Last Modified Date: 05/09/2022
Woodstock International College | RTO Code: 45824 | CRICOS Code: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 2 of 14
Student Guide for Written Knowledge Assessment
Overview of

AURAEA002 environmental and sustainability practice in an automotive workplace.
This is a written assessment task you will be assess on your knowledge of following
environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive workplace.
The topics that will be covered in the assessment are:

  1. Identify environmental and sustainability best practices relating to own automotive
  2. Follow environmental best practice procedures in course of own work.
  3. Follow sustainability best practice procedures in course of own work.
    This assessment will ensure that the elements, performance criteria, performance evidence
    and knowledge evidence required, and conditions are adhered to demonstrate competency in
    this unit assessment task.
    • Read the assessment carefully before commencing.
    • Your Assessor will use the assessment criteria in this document and will provide
    feedback / comment.
    • You MUST answer all the questions in the assessment tasks in your own words and
    own handwriting.
    • This is an “Open Book” assessment, and students can use the resources listed in the
    “Resources Required” section below.
    Task/s to be
    To complete this written assessment, you will need to answer the 39 questions comprising of
    Multiple Choice, True and False, Fill-in the Gap and Short Answer questions.
    Time allowed On average, the Assessment should take 4 – 6 hours to complete.
    Location This theory assessment will be completed in a classroom under the supervision of a
    Decision making
    To receive a ‘satisfactory’ outcome for this assessment students MUST successfully answer
    all questions. If a student achieves less than 100%, they can reattempt the assessment after
    further study has taken place. Students who cannot achieve a minimum of 100% you will not
    have satisfactorily completed this assessment
    Your assessor will be looking for the following in this assessment task: –
    • Environmental regulations and standards relevant to own automotive workplace,
    including commonwealth, state and territory legislation and local government by-laws
    and regulations
    • Procedures for reporting environmental damage and breaches
    • Procedures and processes that support environmental sustainability practices,
    o Reducing waste
    o Reusing materials
    o Recycling waste
    • Types of waste produced by automotive workplaces and their impact on the
    environment, including:
    o Vehicle wastes, including:
    − Coolants
    − Oils
    − Exhaust emissions
    − Evaporative fuel emissions
    − Waste components, including tyres
    o Noise
    o Workplace wastes, including:
    − Cleaning materials
    AURAEA002 environmental and sustainability practice in an automotive workplace.
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURAEA002 Created Date: 12th Aug 2019
    Document no: AURAEA002 Version No: 2.1 Last Modified Date: 05/09/2022
    Woodstock International College | RTO Code: 45824 | CRICOS Code: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 3 of 14
    − Paper waste
    − General rubbish
    • Procedures for minimising waste
    • Procedures for sorting and storing items for recycling or disposal
    • Procedures for reducing resource consumption, including water, electricity, fossil fuels
    and chemicals
    • Procedures for controlling hazards to stormwater and wastewater drainage systems,
    o Capturing, storing and disposing of fluids released from vehicles
    o Trapping spills, including the use of spill kits
    o Preventing hazards entering stormwater and wastewater drainage systems,
    including bunding, grease traps and triple interceptors
    • Procedures for protecting air quality and controlling noise hazards, including:
    o Minimising the emission of airborne particles, gases and fumes
    o Containing and redirecting airborne particles, gases and fumes
    o Insulating noise from automotive workshops.
    AURAEA002 environmental and sustainability practice in an automotive workplace.
    Assessors MUST satisfy NVR/AQTF assessor requirements.
    Competency is to be assessed in the workplace or a simulated environment that accurately
    reflects performance in a real workplace setting.
    Assessment MUST include direct observation of tasks.
    Where assessment of competency includes third-party evidence, individuals MUST provide
    evidence that links them to having followed environmental and sustainability best practice in
    their automotive workplace, e.g., repair orders.
    Assessors MUST verify performance evidence through questioning on skills and knowledge to
    ensure correct interpretation and application.
    The following resources MUST be made available:
    • Automotive repair workplace or simulated workplace
    • Environmental regulations and standards relevant to own automotive workplace,
    including commonwealth, state and territory legislation and local government by-laws
    and regulations.
    Learning Resources available to students include:
    • Automotive Technology (A System Approach)
    • Websites
    • Environmental Action for Automotive Service and Repair
    • VACC Environmental Guide
    • Trainer Handouts
    Results/Reassessment : AURAEA002 environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive workplace Assessment
    • The Assessor will grade the assessment and record the result on the front page of
    this document (S) – Satisfactory if all observable behaviours are correct and (NS) not
    satisfactory if any areas are left incorrect
    • Feedback will be provided on either result
    • Where a student receives a ‘NS – Not Satisfactory’ result, the assessor will discuss
    the area of the non-compliant observable behaviour and an opportunity given for reassessment. This may be through direct observation or a different method of
    assessment e.g., verbal/oral questioning, problem solving exercise.
    AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURAEA002 Created Date: 12th Aug 2019
    Document no: AURAEA002 Version No: 2.1 Last Modified Date: 05/09/2022
    Woodstock International College | RTO Code: 45824 | CRICOS Code: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 4 of 14
    • If the outcome is again not satisfactory the student result will be deemed (NYC) not
    yet competent. Additional feedback will be given, and a time agreed upon for further
    assessment after additional training and skills practice has taken place, this
    information will be recorded, dated and signed in the re-assessment area on the last
    page of this document
    • Where all the assessment tasks have been graded (S) Satisfactory, the student will
    be deemed C – Competent for the practical component and the result recorded and
    signed in the area indicated on the last page of this document
    If the participant is unable to undertake the written assessment as designed, an interview
    (verbal questioning) may be used as an alternate approach.
    AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURAEA002 Created Date: 12th Aug 2019
    Document no: AURAEA002 Version No: 2.1 Last Modified Date: 05/09/2022
    Woodstock International College | RTO Code: 45824 | CRICOS Code: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 5 of 14
    Assessment 1 – Questioning
    Written Assessment
  4. Name the government department in your state/territory responsible for environmental protection.
    Multiple Choice question. Selected the correct answer.
  5. Which acts of parliament that relate to protection of the environment.
    A. Dangerous Goods Act 1975.
    B. Environmentally Hazardous Chemicals Act 1985.
    C. Contaminated Land Management Act 1997.
    D. Ozone Protection Act 1989.
    E. Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2001.
    F. Occupational Health and Safety Act 2000.
    G. All these answers are correct.
    True or False
  6. The federal body responsible for setting national standards on the environment is “The Environment
    Protection and Heritage Council”?
    ☐ True or ☐ False
    Multiple Choice question. Selected the correct answer.
  7. If a pollution incident occurs that has the potential to harm the environment, who must be notified?
    A. Local council.
    B. EPA.
    C. Fire Department.
    D. All these answers are correct.
    AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURAEA002 Created Date: 12th Aug 2019
    Document no: AURAEA002 Version No: 2.1 Last Modified Date: 05/09/2022
    Woodstock International College | RTO Code: 45824 | CRICOS Code: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 6 of 14
  8. How much can an individual be fined for each breach of the Act?
    Tier 1 offence:
    Tier 2 offence:
    Tier 3 offence:
  9. List three (3) main actions that can be undertaken at your workplace to minimise environmental impacts.
  10. What are three (3) reasons why waste reduction and resource recovery are important?
    Multiple Choice question. Selected the correct answer.
  11. What does ‘sustainable’ mean in relation to the environment?
    A. A sustainable society leaves resources available for future generation to use.
    B. Not capable of being prolonged or continued resources available for future generation to use.
    C. Sustainability is the ability not to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future
    generations to meet their own needs.
    D. All these answers are incorrect.
    AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive
  12. AURAEA002 environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive workplace Assessment.
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURAEA002 Created Date: 12th Aug 2019
    Document no: AURAEA002 Version No: 2.1 Last Modified Date: 05/09/2022
    Woodstock International College | RTO Code: 45824 | CRICOS Code: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 7 of 14
  13. On vehicles, many components can be reconditioned for reuse. Name five (5)?
    Fill in the Gaps
  14. Complete the following statement about what type of waste is produced by coolants and what is the
    environmental damage from coolant waste using the following words?
    Words: contamination, coolants, food, metals
    The general environmental effects of ___ are largely governed by the type of glycol and the
    presence of heavy ___ such as lead and copper. Improper disposal of spent coolant, such as
    radiator fluid, can result in heavy metal ___ of soils, groundwater and other water bodies, and
    presents a significant danger to both aquatic and terrestrial ___ chains.
  15. What type of waste are oils and what is the environmental impact if waste oils are incorrectly disposed?
    Multiple Choice question. Selected the correct answer.
  16. Which vehicle exhaust emissions can damage the environment?
    A. Carbon dioxide.
    B. Nitrous oxide.
    C. Methane gas.
    D. All these answers are correct.
    AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURAEA002 Created Date: 12th Aug 2019
    Document no: AURAEA002 Version No: 2.1 Last Modified Date: 05/09/2022
    Woodstock International College | RTO Code: 45824 | CRICOS Code: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 8 of 14
    Multiple Choice question. Selected the correct answer.
  17. Vehicles have an impact on the environment in terms of what?
    A. Air quality.
    B. Greenhouse gases.
    C. Ozone depletion.
    D. Water quality.
    E. Use of natural resources.
    F. Noise.
    G. All these answers are correct.
    Multiple Choice question. Selected the correct answer.
  18. When fuel evaporates, how much carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere from the following fuels?
    1 litre petrol:
    A. 2.3 kilograms of carbon dioxide.
    B. 1.5 kilograms of carbon dioxide.
    C. 2.7 kilograms of carbon dioxide.
    D. 3.7 kilograms of carbon dioxide.
    1 litre LPG:
    A. 2.3 kilograms of carbon dioxide.
    B. 1.5 kilograms of carbon dioxide.
    C. 2.7 kilograms of carbon dioxide.
    D. 3.7 kilograms of carbon dioxide.
    1 litre diesel:
    A. 2.3 kilograms of carbon dioxide.
    B. 1.5 kilograms of carbon dioxide.
    C. 2.7 kilograms of carbon dioxide.
    D. 3.7 kilograms of carbon dioxide.
    Multiple Choice question. Selected the correct answer.
  19. Used vehicle batteries contain ‘What’ materials that can be very harmful to the environment?
    A. Lead.
    B. Lead sulphate.
    C. Lead dioxide.
    D. Sulphuric acid.
    E. All these answers are correct.
    AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURAEA002 Created Date: 12th Aug 2019
    Document no: AURAEA002 Version No: 2.1 Last Modified Date: 05/09/2022
    Woodstock International College | RTO Code: 45824 | CRICOS Code: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 9 of 14
  20. Tyres are illegal to dispose of to landfill. Why?
  21. What environmental damage can used oil filters have on the environment?
    Multiple Choice question. Selected the correct answer.
  22. Air conditioning gases such R12 can impact the environment by damaging what?
    A. The Ozone layer.
    B. Water quality.
    C. Noise quality.
    D. Emission Quality.
    Multiple Choice question. Selected the correct answer.
  23. What can excessive noise created by an automotive workplace have on the environmental?
    A. Cause permanent hearing impairment to staff.
    B. Disrupt neighbours.
    C. Have an adverse effect on the community and environment.
    D. All these answers are correct.
  24. Parts water and solvent washers waste can produce?
    AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURAEA002 Created Date: 12th Aug 2019
    Document no: AURAEA002 Version No: 2.1 Last Modified Date: 05/09/2022
    Woodstock International College | RTO Code: 45824 | CRICOS Code: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 10 of 14
  25. Why is recycling of paper and general rubbish important?
  26. What is the ‘Waste Management Hierarchy’?
    Fill in the Gaps
  27. Complete the following statement about what three (3) key principles which you must be aware of when it
    comes to recycling, using the following words.
    Words: materials, recycle, resources, reuse, segregated
    1 Reduce – try to reduce the volume of all ___ coming into your business if possible. This
    will reduce the waste you need to dispose of and will reduce the depletion of our ___.
    2 Reuse – try to ___ materials which you already have onsite for other purposes.
    3 Recycle – if reducing and reusing is not a viable option, then ___ as much of your waste
    as possible. You must ensure that waste is recycled correctly and ___ according to waste
  28. What general waste in an automotive workplace can be recycled?
  29. When recycling general waste, why MUST it be stored separately?
    AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURAEA002 Created Date: 12th Aug 2019
    Document no: AURAEA002 Version No: 2.1 Last Modified Date: 05/09/2022
    Woodstock International College | RTO Code: 45824 | CRICOS Code: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 11 of 14
  30. Name five (5) ways to reduce the amount of water you use in an automotive workplace?
    Fill in the Gaps
  31. Complete the following statement about ten (10) ways of reducing the amount of energy you use for
    electricity, fuel and gas in an automotive workplace using the following words.
    Words: electrical, energy, equipment, job, lighting, solar, specifications, systems, thermostats, timer,
    1 Keep records of ___ use and investigate any increase in consumption.
    2 Turn off ___ equipment (e.g. lights, compressors, computers, photocopiers and printers)
    when they are not being used.
    3 Use 7-day ___ switches to manage the power supply to processes that always operate at
    particular intervals.
    4 Install energy efficient ___ wherever possible.
    5 Use lighting that is appropriate to the ___. Only use lights when they are needed – having
    wiring for separate light switches will help with this.
    6 Consider installing skylights in ___ areas to reduce the need for electrical lighting.
    7 Maintain air compressors in accordance with the manufacturers’ ___.
    8 Consider installing ___ panels to heat hot water or provide some of the businesses power.
    9 Improve efficiency by regularly checking compressed air ___ to identify and repair leaks.
    (One quick check you can easily carry out is to turn off all the ___ that requires
    compressed air (e.g. at lunchtime) to see how long the compressor runs for to keep up with leaks).
    10 Set ___ to 21°C in winter and 25°C in summer.
  32. What’s three (3) ways of reducing solvents, chemicals and petroleum products in the automotive workplace?
    AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURAEA002 Created Date: 12th Aug 2019
    Document no: AURAEA002 Version No: 2.1 Last Modified Date: 05/09/2022
    Woodstock International College | RTO Code: 45824 | CRICOS Code: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 12 of 14
  33. What is a Bund?
  34. How should waste oils be stored and disposed?
    Multiple Choice question. Selected the correct answer.
  35. When changing the oil on a vehicle’s engine, what should you use to catch the waste oil?
    A. Drain pan.
    B. Mop bucket.
    C. Storm water drain.
    D. Funnel.
    Multiple Choice question. Selected the correct answer.
  36. When handling, trapping, storing and disposing of waste oils, which document should you use to find this
    A. Safety Data Sheet (SDS).
    B. Technical Service Bulletin (TSB).
    C. Workplace procedures.
    D. Environmental Protection Authority (EPA).
  37. What are spill kits?
    AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURAEA002 Created Date: 12th Aug 2019
    Document no: AURAEA002 Version No: 2.1 Last Modified Date: 05/09/2022
    Woodstock International College | RTO Code: 45824 | CRICOS Code: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 13 of 14
    Multiple Choice question. Selected the correct answer.
  38. A Trade Waste Agreement allows you to dispose of trade waste through?
    A. The water ways.
    B. A triple interceptor which is then directed to the sewer and treated.
    C. A sewer system.
    D. None of these answers are correct.
    Fill in the Gaps
  39. Complete the following statement about in the event of a chemical spill, the ten (10) general guidelines
    should be followed using the following words.
    Words: alert, contaminated, evacuate, fire, flammable, hazards, materials, respirator, SDS, spill, stormwater
    1 Immediately ___ the occupants and the manager in the affected area.
    2 If necessary, ___ the area.
    3 If there is a ___ or medical attention is needed dial emergency services on 000.
    4 Determine the extent and type of ___.
    5 Tend to people that may be ___. Contaminated clothing must be removed immediately,
    and the skin flushed with water for no less than 15 minutes. Check the spilled substances
    ___ and undertake appropriate first aid as described.
    6 If a ___ substance is spilt immediately warn all occupants, control the sources of ignition
    and ventilate the area.
    7 Apply Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as appropriate to the ___ (refer to the SDS).
    8 Consider the need for a ___ mask.
    9 Protect all drains which lead to ___.
    10 Contain and clean up the spill using a spill kit or appropriate ___ and dispose of these as
    Prescribed Industrial Waste.
  40. Explain what a grease trap is?
  41. AURAEA002 environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive workplace Assessment
    AURAEA002 Follow environmental and sustainability best practice in an automotive
    Document Name: Student Written Knowledge Assessment – AURAEA002 Created Date: 12th Aug 2019
    Document no: AURAEA002 Version No: 2.1 Last Modified Date: 05/09/2022
    Woodstock International College | RTO Code: 45824 | CRICOS Code: 03999A Page Sequence: Page 14 of 14
  42. Care should be taken with running engine in the automotive workplace. Why?
  43. Whenever you need to have the engine running for diagnosis or service, the engine’s exhaust must be vented
    to the outside. How is this done?
  44. State four (4) ways of eliminating or reducing the effects of excessive noise.


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